Race packs

Race packsĀ have now all been sent out (the last batch was sent on Tuesday 7 February).

If yours hasn’t yet arrived, don’t panic! Here are some FAQs and points to remember about race packs:

  • If you have entered as a group of 5, all packs will be sent to the lead entrant’s address, but will not necessarily arrive at the same time
  • Packs are not sent out according to registration date, so if your friend’s has arrived and yours hasn’t and you’re concerned because they entered after you, don’t worry!
  • If you entered after 9am on Tuesday 7 February, you will need to pick up your pack on the day as this will not be sent out on the post.

If your pack does not arrive, don’t worry! You can pick up a replacement from the Info Desk on the day – just make sure you plan in some extra time to do this.